When was the Eiffel Tower built?
The Eiffel Tower’s construction began on January 28, 1887 – 2 years before its unveiling. When digging started on the ground of Champs-de-Mars, Paris, hundreds of artists amongst sculptors, writers and architects sent a written petition to the commissioner of the Paris Exposition, pleading him to stop construction of the “useless and monstrous tower” that would dominate Paris like a “gigantic black smokestack.” The Eiffel Tower was widely criticized since the beginning because the thought of having a structure over 300 meters seemed impossible and the overall architectural design was disruptive compared to the Notre Dame, the Louvre, and other historical buildings.

Why was it built?
Where is it?

Who was the architect?
The man who sold the Eiffel Tower
Did you know the Eiffel Tower was sold, not once, but twice by the same man? His name was ‘Count’ Victor Lustig. Born in Austria, he ran several scams across Europe and America. But one of his more notorious deals was the sale of the Eiffel Tower. During a visit in Paris in 1925, he read in the newspaper that the maintenance was getting expensive, and designed an elaborate scheme to convince a group of wealthy men to buy it. He convinced one of them, André Poisson, and fled without conviction. Later, he attempted the same scam, but the police was alerted and he was forced to run to United States to avoid capture.